Home Health What Will I Do on International Yoga Day?

What Will I Do on International Yoga Day?

by Tanya Agarwal

International Yoga day is here – most yogis actually get stressed about what they are going to post on Yoga day! Tough pose? Easy pose? Classic pose? What are people expecting of me this yoga day?

Beyond all this, the good of Yoga and Yoga day cannot be taken away. But the question is – Are you in it for the long run? 

You turn to Yoga for physical being.

You turn to Yoga for healing.

You turn to Yoga for deep breathing.

You turn to Yoga for spiritual quest.

You turn to Yoga for slowing down.

You turn to Yoga for stretches.

You turn to Yoga for harmony (thoughts, words and actions)

You turn to Yoga for mind and body flexibility.

You turn to Yoga for muscle relaxation.

You turn to Yoga after physical disasters.

You turn to Yoga after mental trauma.

You sometimes start Yoga at the age of 5.

You sometimes find Yoga at the age of 75.

Finally – You turn to Yoga to work on all levels – body, breath and mind – to experience and create Health.

“Your Health is the only asset that counts ultimately – all others including knowledge, intelligence and wealth, have meaning and purpose only when they are associated with a certain degree of physical and mental health.”

– Dr. Renu Mahtani

Going back to what will I do on Yoga day? The classic 108 Surya Namaskars which to me is an intense form of meditation, focus and detoxification.

Why 108?  Hinduism believes 108 is a sacred number: there 108 Upanishads (Hindu spiritual texts), 108 names for Hindu deities, 108 sacred points on the body (marma points), and 108 sacred sites in India (pithas). The most interesting explanation to me is that the distance between the sun and the earth is 108 times the sun’s diameter! (yes – science is super convincing)

Why does Yoga emphasize on breath – Breath is a wonder drug! It’s the first thing they check when you enter this world. It’s the last thing they check when you leave this world. Enough said?

Remember – In the end we have to thank the powers for giving us situations in life that have helped us broaden our mindset and approach towards health. International Yoga day is one such day of thanking – consciously!

Are You in it for the long run?


  • Tanya Agarwal
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    Welcome to Wellthyfit.com! Wellthyfit is my ‘writing venture’ on health and wellness and a constant reminder that health is our only everlasting wealth! Who am I - you can read here. But at the core of it all, I’m a mom who loves to run!

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