Home Motivation Running, Biking and Women Fitness – Rukhsana Parveen Haque

Running, Biking and Women Fitness – Rukhsana Parveen Haque

by Tanya Agarwal

Rukhsana Parveen Haque, 47,  is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary zest to prioritize her fitness. Her daily posts on fitness speak volumes on women fitness.

Who is Rukhsana?

Born in Tezpur and brought up partially in Guwahati and Tezpur, she graduated in Physics & MBA from AMU,Aligarh. She was commissioned in the Indian Air Force in 1996 as a Pilot Officer (Administrative Branch), earned a para badge by Skydiving in NDA, Pune in 2000. Retired as a Squadron Leader in Dec’2007 after twelve years. Interestingly, she filed a writ petition along with her senior, Wing Commander Anupama Joshi during May’2007 in the Delhi High Court for granting Permanent Commission to Women Officers serving as Ground Duty Officers and was granted the same in 2010. However, she didn’t join back as she was already in the Corporate domain and had achieved what they had set out to – Women & Men to be at par…no gender bias!!

She has cycled almost 19000 kms and run 1600 kms since 2015. Her Strava stands testimony to all these big figures.

Here’s Rukhsana’s fitness journey in her own words for every woman out there who thinks it’s too late!

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The cycling and running bug bit me sometime 3 years ago!!!

Before that it was just an abstract thought dictated by the ever growing media deluge for fitness and work-life balance etc. But three years ago, I seriously decided to turn this abstraction into reality and brought myself a lovely cycle and associated clothing to go with it….I joined a number of cycling groups and after I shifted residence closer to my work place, I realized I had more time to devote and gradually this became an addictive pastime with added benefits to my health….Thus here goes my story….

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To start…..I will give due credit to my better half for imploring me to get into a habit so that I don’t chew his brains out every now & then for leisure activities like movies or socializing with friends!!! He is, as any ‘normal’ Indian (Ha Ha) is, obsessed with cricket and like most, only an avid cricket watcher. And we all know how these men get glued to the small screen for days and weeks…. like forever…… I was a ‘cricket’ widow!!!!

I started asking myself what I could do; what was my calling; especially those weekend days when I was home and there was sports on TV.

I put my heart into cycling and before I realized it, it became a passion: CYCLING has become my obsession now and I am mighty proud of it, since besides contributing to my health, it has become a source of much happiness.

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Nowadays I look forward to getting into this routine of Bicycling/Running and meeting other riders, runners along the way. I also feel good about myself, especially whenever I set myself a target and I achieve it!!!. The tougher the target, more is the effort put in to achieve it, but when it is accomplished, nothing beats the feeling!! One feels one has earned everything and then one can gorge on food with no feeling of guilt whatsoever!!! The added benefits of this is one also wants to dress beautifully; you are on a high more often than not!!! The lows almost appear to disappear from your daily life, including during tough & rough days in office.

Now, isn’t that priceless…There is a bounce in your step, a new sway to your hips as if you have found a novel way to beat the blues… You click a lot of pictures; immerse yourself in writing posts on fb and time just flies…

You are ready for the ‘Monday to Friday Corporate Slavery’ …

Someone asks you, “30+”! You say, ‘WTF’!? but you feel joyous!! Medicines have become a thing of the past… no bad cholesterol, no signs of hyper-thyroidism, no skin ailments….Nothing at all…It feels great!! And you feel alive.

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To all the women out there

Just dress up every morning at dawn and show up!! Look after yourself ….and get out of that drudgery of home & hearth. Explore the world by knowing yourself first: how much can you stretch yourself. Shine….in the sun, when it rains or when it is icy cold….Be one with nature and hear the chirping of the birds, the rustling of the leaves as the wind blows…with the occasional city vehicles plying ferociously and destroying the pleasantness, haha….

As the Poet Rumi says ….. “When you do things from the soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

You will be utterly surprised to discover the new ‘you’ and your friends and admirers will also think of emulating you. Life will have a different meaning now. You will start looking forward for the next Ride/ Run…

And all you women out there…. get going…Pick up a bicycle and RIDE or Wear a good pair of shoes and RUN

 “It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” (Rumi)

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  • Tanya Agarwal
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    Welcome to Wellthyfit.com! Wellthyfit is my ‘writing venture’ on health and wellness and a constant reminder that health is our only everlasting wealth! Who am I - you can read here. But at the core of it all, I’m a mom who loves to run!

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Aradhana Dubey November 22, 2018 - 11:11 am

Well done Rukhsana!!
I am a testimony to a non-athlete becoming an avid cyclist and a runner, only on her commitment and determination. It wasn’t easy for her and believe me, family size has nothing to do with it. There are detractors every where and her mind is as big a nay-sayer as any of ours. The difference is that she chose to prioritise her health and well-being over everything else and kept at it, against all odds.
You are an inspiration Rukhsana and I wish many more thousand miles with that infectious smile !! Love !!

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 1:19 pm

Thank you Aradhana! Coming from you means a lot…and I can see now how you have become one Runner and Cyclist too…Keep going

Shilpi Bakshi November 22, 2018 - 9:44 pm

Great Going Ruksana.Super proud of you and you are truly an inspiration for all of us. Best wishes to you .

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 1:23 pm

Thank you so much Ma’am. I try to motivate myself everyday and when I’m successful, life is bliss….Waiting for you to join us though I know you are an avid ‘gymmer’ …Cheers

Rukhsana Haque November 22, 2018 - 10:25 pm

Thank you Aradhana! Coming from you means a lot…and I can see now how you have become one Runner and Cyclist too…Keep going

Pradeep Pant November 23, 2018 - 7:45 am

Congratulations RPH. You are a champion and true inspiration.

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 1:25 pm

Thank you Pradeep; you have always participated along in the runs & rides with me in Dwarka and I’m so glad that you’re becoming one great duathlete too!! Rock on….

Vivek Jain November 23, 2018 - 5:15 pm

Wow and congratulations. You are the envy and inspiration for many. Best wishes

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 1:36 pm

Thank you Vivek. When are you getting back to the gym?

Jayanta Chakraborty November 23, 2018 - 5:51 pm

Rukhsana, whom I have been seen you as a courageous , challenging against Odd , Do something different and very Good in communication. Perfect in HR and as well as good Motivater .. Ur look and physical activity says that U r 30+ , ask writer not to mention your original bioligical Age.. .

After reading your total run and cycle Ride , My salute to you..
One thing I knew that u did ur MBA from IIM Ahamdabad from where u got selected in The corporate where we met . Which didn’t mention here.
Stay Blessed and safe Always ..

Jayanta Chakraborty
Your well wisher..

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 1:49 pm

Thank you, Jayanta. I deliberately wanted people to know that age is just a number and in the mind. You are what you think and I feel I am 25 years old! I have done the Armed Forces Programme from IIMA, a six months residential course specially designed for the Armed Forces Officers.

Sanjib Bordoloi November 26, 2018 - 8:35 am

Wonder Woman Ruksana. Waiting for you to blaze some trails across the Hills in the North East too. Starting early next year I will set up your logistics

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 3:01 pm

Thanks a ton Bordo Sir. I have done a bit of North East – in and around Guwahati, Tezpur – Bhalukpong – short of Tawang ( Nyungdam Memorial) and look forward to ride there again and again….

Shilpi Bakshi November 27, 2018 - 7:45 am

Ruksana dear, super proud of you .You truly are a wonder woman and an inspiration to us all. Best wishes to you.♥️

Rukhsana Parveen Haque November 27, 2018 - 3:02 pm

Thank you once again, Ma’am. So your original comment was always there….Many Thanks..

Sanjay Ahlawat July 27, 2020 - 7:53 am

Great inspiration you are. Met you briefly for an interview at vatikas. Wish to get connected again.
Yours sincerely
Sanjay Ahlawat

Rukhsana Haque July 27, 2020 - 5:00 pm

Yes, I do remember. Unfortunately, your candidature could not be taken forward. We wish you all the best in all your future endeavours. Cheers!


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