Home Motivation My fitness and Weight Loss Mantras – From Obese to Fit

My fitness and Weight Loss Mantras – From Obese to Fit

by Tanya Agarwal
Sanjeev Saikia

Sanjeev and I wrote his story together. Though there are 1000s of such stories on Google, this one I have seen and been part of the transformation. To me this story is about hard work, belief in the self and targeting goals. 

For the 1st 28 years of my life I was obese. I was the “fat kid”; actually clinically obese is the right word. I started gaining weight at 15. “All study and No Play” made me the fat kid. Not that I was brilliant in studies, but I enjoyed the food served to me at the study table. The result showed in my weight, than in my exam report.

At the peak of my weight issues, I weighed 88kgs at 5’4” frame with a waist size of 38”, you can do the math to calculate the BMI and most of the weight was fat not muscle mass.

I landed in Singapore on 4 th Dec 2001. I don’t know the ratio of obese/fat people to healthy people in India, but with a population of 1 billion, there are plenty of people with the same weight issues. I wasn’t the odd one out. But Singapore with a population of 3 million and unbelievably fit people all around, turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me. I wanted to look good, sexy, wear fitted cloths, without feeling uncomfortable.

Within 1.5years [4 th Dec 2001 to Mid-2003], I dropped 24kgs, bringing body weight around 65kgs and waist size of 30”. For the last 13 years until today, I am trying to keep myself fit. I am not blessed in this case, I really need to work hard on my body to maintain it. My fitness mantra is to stay around 70Kgs and waist size 31–32 with a waist-hip ratio less than .90 and control my body fat percentage.

There are millions of articles, guides available in Internet on how to reduce your body weight. But here is my take on it:

1. What you are is more important than what you think you are: the weighing scale doesn’t lie, it is binary, it will show you how much is your exact weight, not how cute you look. If you are overweight, probably you are fat, accept it. Go to a gym, get an In-Body analysis, it is free in most of the gym, do a complete analysis and take it seriously, now not only accept it but work on it.

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2. Set a Goal and make plans: When I started, my goal was to lose 25kgs. But setting goals will not help. You now need to make a plan that suits your lifestyle and needs. Clear out the excuses. Start slow, progress gradually and then excel. The best way to start is to get an inspiration, not only motivation. Motivation will surely help you to start, but getting inspired by somebody and having the inspiration will keep you going.

3. Get a trainer: If you are not used to exercise, the best way for you to achieve your goals is to get a Personal Trainer. There are high chances of getting injured exercising the wrong way or you might spend hours and hours without nearing your goals. Personal word of advice — Gyms normally offer you a trainer who is free, rather than a trainer you need. If you are signing for some personal training sessions, talk to your trainer, share your fitness goal with him, take a session (normally it is free) and see for yourself. You can change your trainer if the approach isn’t working for you.

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4. Balance your exercise: Understand your body, know your weak points and work on it. For me, its just not only weights, I try to balance it properly with Cardio and HIIT. No need to spend hours and hours in gym, unless you are really preparing for some body building competition. A short burst of 30 mins of HIIT is equally good. I work out 6 days a week. , 2 weights days and 2 Cardio and 1 HIIT and 1 day it I do a mix of all. I try to work on a max of 2 muscle groups during weights and in my mix day, I try to do low weight whole body.

5. No Pain No Gain: We often see it written in the gyms. But not all pain is good. The muscle burnout pain and the muscular pain is different. You should know what pain is this. If the pain is acute, STOP your work out, adjust your posture and if it still persists, go visit a doctor. The objective of a good exercise regimen is to be “pain free”.

“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional”. — Haruki Murakami,

6. Repetitions -Repetitions- Repetitions: This is 1 of the mantras to achieve your desired goals. Yes it is boring, yes it is monotonous, but it will give you the results you want. To avoid the monotony, do variations. You can work on the same muscle group with some variations. Before your workout, plan your reps and variations, add some music and just burn those extra calories you might have had in your dinner or lunch.

7. Working out is not just Gyming: For burning your extra calories, you just don't need a gym, you can burn it out anywhere. Running, Swimming, Cycling, any sports, find out your forte and burn. Take help of modern technology, APPS, Tracking Watches. You can enrol yourself and your colleagues, friends, family in “10000 steps a day challenge” [google out], you just need a pedometer, make you working out fun.

8. When you work hard, you want to flaunt your earning:  You will often see people in gym flexing their muscle looking themselves in mirror. Remember the person is not showing off but enjoying all the hard work he/she put on his/her body. Find happiness in whatever workout you are doing. Nobody told me that my abs are getting built at your dinner table, not at gym. . I am a foodie. But I have learnt to control my cravings. . Eating smaller portions and leaving the dining table feeling not completely full are somethings I practice on daily basis. I have practiced for past 13 years. Yes sometimes for a short period of time, I quit my workout regime, but in no time I went back.

Hustled by : Sanjeev is a gym enthusiast, an avid trekker, a newbie runner and works with a German Conglomerate in Taiwan/Singapore. Can be pinged @ “[email protected]”. In case you are struggling with your weight management – Sanjeev would be happy to talk to you over email.



  • Tanya Agarwal
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    Welcome to Wellthyfit.com! Wellthyfit is my ‘writing venture’ on health and wellness and a constant reminder that health is our only everlasting wealth! Who am I - you can read here. But at the core of it all, I’m a mom who loves to run!

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Hemant Mathur May 12, 2016 - 5:39 am

Inspiring Sanjeev…well done…

Sanjeev Saikia May 12, 2016 - 8:12 am

Thanks Hemant, you have seen me back then too 🙂

wellthy.fit May 12, 2016 - 8:08 pm

Sanjeev Saikia, A whole lot of great comments are on ur way. Please do checkout http://wellthy.fit/fitness-mantras-obese-fit/

Bipasha May 12, 2016 - 7:09 am

@sanjeevsaikia… I already knew a few things about your struggle with weight management and your perseverance for fitness but nevertheless it’s wonderful to read all the details. A blog contribution from you! You never cease to amaze and inspire me! 🙂 best wishes!

Gayatri Das May 12, 2016 - 11:46 am

Wow what a lovely read.Your story is very inspirational,love what you are doing and what you share here.Your positive attitude and motivational words will definitely inspire many of us.Keep going and happy blogging!!!Look forward to more lovely posts from you.

Rajeev Saikia May 12, 2016 - 12:37 pm

@Sanjeev: yes its very true and inspiring. I remember the days when you were GOLU and now see. Great Bhai, I will also start in few days :). All the best !

Sumit May 12, 2016 - 1:07 pm

You have come a long way abd in that journey motivated a lot of people.

Atreyee May 12, 2016 - 2:04 pm

Still struggling with extra weight after giving birth 8 months ago and what can be more inspirational than seeing someone transforming himself so beautifully. This mamma bear now vouch to transform herself to a flamingo within 4 months! Haha 🙂

Basab May 12, 2016 - 2:14 pm

Wow Sanjeev amazing dedication. You are a true inspiration. Hopefully I can start Cardio n basics soon.. Keep up the good health n young look;)

lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:39 am

Please share your stories with us – @wellthy.fit

Charu Satija May 13, 2016 - 3:38 am

Good read… Thanks a lot for inspiring me 🙂

lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:38 am

We would keep bringing such stories for you – @wellthy.fit

Gayatri May 13, 2016 - 3:44 am

Wow what a lovely read.Your story is very inspirational,love what you are doing and what you share here.Your positive attitude and motivational words will definitely inspire many of us.Keep going!!!Look forward to more lovely posts from you

Rajesh May 13, 2016 - 4:28 am

Truly inspirational. I have known you for just about 4 years now and I can understand and relate to how much we love food, the drinks and the stress :-). When you have so many things going on in your life both on personal and professional front, taking care of yourself comes in last – UNTIL someday you tell yourself – G I have put on too much. The “you” I am talking about is ME. I used to gym and then drop out and then continue but last year in August I took a serious attempt and lost 12 kgs in 3 months. Required quite some disciple on food and also waking up every morning at 05:30. I am glad I did it because I am getting happier even though I am not where I really want to be.
I would love to have a club for people like us to motivate each other. People ask me – so whats the reason including if you are having a new woman in your life. Guess what – how about me wanting to have a new ME more fit, lean and healthier.
Cheers and kudos to your achievement. Look forward to seeing you around soon before I leave Asia for good!!!

Xavier May 13, 2016 - 9:03 am

Thank you for sharing this simple, yet motivational piece. I’m sure many can relate to it.

Quite a few takeaways; Planning, Persistence, Consistency, Application of Incremental Balance to Life, and most important of all “ Having fun in the process of loving yourself “.

I absolutely loved it. I’m sure that this will motivate me to increase my visits to the Gym and play more sports.


lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:36 am

Do share your stories/experiments at Gym with us – @wellthy.fit

Shiva May 15, 2016 - 5:03 am

Well done. I liked the inspiration vs motivation part. It is so true.

lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:34 am

thank you, hope to bring such stories for you.

lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:35 am

Hoping to bring such chuckling stories for u – @wellthy.fit

lthampi May 15, 2016 - 10:36 am

Thanks for that review [email protected]

Abhi May 16, 2016 - 4:43 am

Sanjeev: You are inspiring many people around you in “Staying fit and living a healthy life”! Keep it up and may you never fracture your motivation!

lthampi May 18, 2016 - 8:03 am

thank you for your comments.

Roopa D January 2, 2019 - 8:51 pm

Sanjeev – In point No 4. Balance your exercise: You have said that you do 2 weights days and 2 Cardio and 1 HIIT and 1 day it I do a mix of all.
I have tried to understand the basic exercises in these categories. Can you help me out with the exact exercises for each
I would also like to know this part – I try to work on a max of 2 muscle groups during weights and in my mix day, I try to do low weight whole body.
And also any specific exercises which help in breathing easy during run. I used to run 10km once a week but found that I would stop not because there was a pain in my leg but because I was breathless.
Would appreciate any pointers you could provide

Tanya Agarwal January 5, 2019 - 11:48 am

Hi Roopa. You could contact Sanjeev on [email protected] for your query. Thanks!

fitnesshealthforever June 8, 2019 - 6:25 pm

This is an informative post. Got a lot of info and details from here. Thank you for sharing this and looking forward to reading more of your post.

Women’s Health And Fitness

Fitness Diet August 22, 2019 - 3:56 pm

This was a very meaningful post, so informative and encouraging information, Thank you for this post.

Fitness Diet

Naomi Renshaw November 11, 2019 - 5:34 pm

Great job! I was too suffering from obesity, and tried many diet plans but they didn’t work. Went to a gym also but it was not able to hold my seem interest and quit after a few days. To get rid of obesity I finally selected a few physical activities like running, Hatha Yoga , skipping and dance. These combinations of workout helped me a lot to lose extra10 kg in 1 year


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