A perfect winter morning means a cup of hot chocolate, Netflix and some snacks to binge on. However, what most people don’t realize is that this habit spoils us to the core. We tend to become lazy, consume high calorie food and add extra kilos to our body. There are some winter foods which do the reverse. Instead of adding those extra kilos, their consumption decreases your waistline. Here, we will list the foods that definitely need to be a part of your winter diet!
- Guava:
The best thing about guavas is that it is loaded with fibers. Fibers induce the feeling of fullness in your stomach, thus, delaying your food intake. Presence of various vitamins, minerals and antioxidants make it an ideal food as it prevents deficiency of any nutrient. Its low calorie and sugar content make it ideal for weight loss. Coupled with this is its role in improving your metabolism which helps you lose weight faster.
- Starfruit:
Just like guava, this fruit also contains high levels of fiber and water. This helps you remain full for a longer period of time without indulging in binge eating. This fruit has very low levels of calorie in it, i.e., only 31 calories is present in 100grams of it. Starfruit also helps control your sugar cravings by being absorbed slowly by your body and not spiking your blood glucose level. It has other functions too, like regulating blood pressure, maintaining a glowing skin, etc.
- Carrot:
When on diet, carrot is a must for winter season. It is an excellent snack, can be used as both, a vegetable and a fruit, intake can either be in raw form or cooked form, in every way it is an excellent source for weight loss. An ideal food is a one which has high fiber and low glycemic index. This is what carrot is about. It keeps you full, doesn’t increase your craving for other fattening foods, and can be consumed on the go.
- Radish:
Radish contains all that is required to lose weight. Like others, it has high fiber content which helps control cholesterol as well weight gain. Another benefit of radish is that it does not contain a lot of calories. Therefore, you can consume radish 3 times a day and still not gain considerable amount of weight. It is also helpful during constipation and diabetes. You can consume it raw or couple it with other vegetables and make juice from it.
- Beetroot:
Beetroot helps increase stamina of a person which allows a person to run or exercise for a longer duration of time. They contain magnesium which help in tissue and muscle building, thus, reducing the amount of fat in our bodies. Along with this, it contains fibers and antioxidants which aid in weight loss regimes. It can be used in salads as well as be incorporated in other vegetable or fruit juices. Other benefits include improving brain health, preventing cancer, etc.
The key to weight loss is consuming foods high in fiber.
But there is something to remember and remind yourself : Before you decide to exclude any food items from your diet just because it has high calories, do check its nutrient content and density. For example, Chikoo is a fruit which has very high fiber and also makes for a great laxative. Yes, it does have high calories but because of its very high dietary fiber and laxative qualities you can have it in moderation.
Never forget that weight loss is totally about consistency and constantly making thoughtful choices – mindful eating and eating with a purpose, not starving yourself, and consuming all the food groups in moderation. Take guidance if you are feeling lost about how to start your weight loss journey.
No miracles and magic when it comes to healthy and sustainable Weight Loss!
Happy Mindful eating!
Stay WellthyFit