Home HealthMental Health An Ode to Now

An Ode to Now

by Meera Cheema

Life can be a veritable mess of stress and last-minute scrambling. Many  like myself are anxious about upcoming events and what exactly they can accomplish this summer due to limited opportunities. I get it, I really do. As someone who has been working for over 20 years and is used to multi tasking and is hyper active being under the lockdown was not easy, I empathize with everyone out there who is struggling to stay positive. But that very feeling of hopelessness is why I wanted to write this short article. I would like to share with you all my simple strategy for keeping myself moving at all times.

For the longest time, I remember frantically worrying about the money I bring home ,times are tough hope I will have a job tomorrow, the impression I left on my interviewers, and how others would perceive my actions. I was caught in a never-ending cycle of overthinking my situation and worrying about the result. However, I came to realize something: sometimes the effort we put in is just one point on a list of factors that determine the outcome. The success of an interview can depend on your interviewer’s mood just as much as it can depend on your preparation.

So, I decided that I would, literally, leave it at that. No more stressing about the result, no more worrying about how others would view me, and no more slowing down.

Do your honest best and leave the rest.

Focus on the things that are truly in your control and do whatever you can to ensure you are satisfied with your input. Deal with the output when it happens.

After all the twists and turns that took place in the last month, I was able to recover from an injury and discovered my love for Yoga , I was able to put together thoughts about what I would like my new venture to be like , spoke to people most dear to me daily , grew fonder of falling in love with the NOW.

All things considered; I could not have asked for a better outcome. It’s never easy changing the way you react to situations, but it is something I urge you all to practice as much as you can. The day we focus more on the input is the day we receive the desired output.


  • Meera Cheema
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    After 20 years of career in Private Banking, I now call myself an ex-banker. I am the daughter of an retired Lt. General. I am a Runner and a Triathlete.

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Siddharth jain June 10, 2020 - 9:54 am

When people honk unnecessarily during traffic once I tell them the same and that is to focus about the things that are in your control, this is not, have seen many of them getting irritated and frustrated with it!
Wonderful content banker, keep them coming !

Tejinderpal Singh June 10, 2020 - 10:16 am

Very well expressed.

Vikram June 25, 2020 - 7:30 pm

Very well written. I think we all have many roots in our lives. Some of these we recognise and value but there are many othere that we take for granted Nevertheless these routes are what anchor us and keep us going.


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