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Home Fitness When the Air was Severe! My 7 minutes of Denial!

When the Air was Severe! My 7 minutes of Denial!

by Tanya Agarwal

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Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final” 
― Rainer Maria Rilke

Over the last two days, I stopped reading the million messages on social media and whatsapp on the living hell of SMOG, the POLLUTION that NCR is going through! I already know that every breathe in this air is gathering poison in my lungs, it’s in-conducive to live here, forget running! But that’s precisely why I stopped reading the messages.

I’ve been living in the moment for long now. Everyday am happy to take up a new risk, a new adventure, and even a new rejection – whether it’s my blog, running in a new city, or just trying the same thing in a different way. Sometimes sitting feeling dejected with my experiments also makes me feel – At least I tried ! After all, life is not about just getting things right? Even with complete planning, taking all the measures, listing the pros and cons, deliberating over them for days (sometimes for months, years) we go all wrong, so why not live in the moment instead, Why not embrace whatever we have with whatever we can. I usually find myself surprised.

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And this evening I decided to lose myself to some danger ( they call it long term harm/danger and maybe it is)! Not that I haven’t been running. But TODAY (mark the date) the Air Quality Index hit the rock bottom and a public health emergency loomed spoken and unspoken!

But today, I wanted to experience -TODAY! Why ?

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Because I wanted to keep a memory. To look back on this day sometime in the future.  – when I was in complete denial – a day when the difference between pollution and poison was hard to tell.

I left home at 6.30 this evening to run in my complex. As I started running with a mask on, I could feel my breathe more than anything else, I didn’t care about my pace. And focused only on my breathe. It’s not easy to run with a mask – even a slow run. It gets sweaty and messy all around the nose area, and you are breathing the same air every second.

My eyes did start watering a bit. And then till a car behind me came very close and somebody rolled the window down! It was my husband! Livid – and so much!  Damn! Fast Forward many warnings and negotiations ! I decided to agree to him telling me to finish the rest of the run on the treadmill! Damn (again!)

But here we go about some things that WE MUST keep in mind while running in this pollution:

  1. Wear a mask – if you HAVE to run outside – Don’t run without a mask
  2.  Drink up loads of water. Am not a water drinker. But have increased my intake a lot in the last 2 weeks.
  3. Keep your run short. and get in soon!
  4. Run on treadmill if you think your training is suffering
  5. Lemon, honey and ginger – they are cleansers – so drink it couple of times in a day.

Am leaving here a link for you to read that sheds some light on Effects of Pollution on Runners – by Runner’s World! It has research, data and wisdom gained from experience.

And when you are on the treadmill – you have nothing to write, to experience, to feel! Like a slave I ran my 4km on the treadmill (thankfully I had my music)! And came back home. Have cancelled my run for tomorrow morning! AND IT’S time to make friends with the treadmill!

But I did manage to collect my memories of running 1 km on the road the day when our very own breath was cursed!


Happy Running – wherever you are!



  • Tanya Agarwal
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    Welcome to Wellthyfit.com! Wellthyfit is my ‘writing venture’ on health and wellness and a constant reminder that health is our only everlasting wealth! Who am I - you can read here. But at the core of it all, I’m a mom who loves to run!

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