by Tanya Agarwal
100 Days of Running

Running is a stirring motion allowing me to progress in terms of mindset, consistency and cardiovascular health. For some it is a way to get into shape and for some it provides noticeable boosts to their self confidence and esteem.

In words of Usain Bolt, “Easy is not an option. No days off. Never quit. Be fearless. Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours of work.”

But we get so engaged with our life.

We neglect our bodies and most importantly the faculty of consciousness and thought, mind! Some people still take a step forward and begin adopting it and are better than a huge number of population that has never run a marathon. The most important reason, when found out, was the lack of discipline and motivation to keep the drive.

Hence, we decided to throw light on a fitness movement that has helped 10,572 runners (in 2018) to keep them in best of their health who ran a total of 3,150,000 Kilometres i.e. an average of 5 kms approximately per run. Isn’t it fabulous??

And this fitness movement is none other than 100 DAYS OF RUNNING” ( HDOR)

It is a concept

A concept that encourages people to make running a part of their lives and a way towards better fitness. As the name suggests, it compels the newbie and regular runners to run persistently for 100 days during the summers’ hottest months so that runners don’t get a chance to cite weather as an excuse to skip this habit and develop perseverance to fight against odds of life.

It started in 2015 with 186 runners in and increased exponentially to 10,572 runners in 2018 edition of HDOR. From one country to 40 countries around the globe!

As per the testimonials, it helped some people to discover their passion for running and for some it helped them to lead a disciplined life, the main motive behind this platform. Some athletes discovered how to run without getting injured and thereby developing a base for upcoming running season. Some overcame their laziness and one person claimed that this run helped him change from broken soul to new born soul! For some, continuous running for 100 days helped them taming the hurdles of time, terrain, weather etc.


  • The participants are supposed to run daily for 100 days. Run on roadside, park or on treadmill at your home. You can run in early morning sun or under the luminescence of moonlight.
  • You can run a distance whatever your body allows. This competition isn’t about mileage. But the minimum limit set is of 2 kilometres. Fair enough for even a 12- year old!
  • The runners are supposed to submit their daily run data within a window of 10 days.

For more information on all rules, you can visit the website of 100 days of running. Please click here


Lets’ have a look at some of the exceptional experience holders of this fitness challenge and how did it change their lives.


Monika Sharma
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100 Days of Running platform was a game changer for her. She was trying to fight back muscle strain after suffering from polyarthralgia in her past. Since the 100 Days of Running allows you to participate in group as well, it helped her in gaining her rhythm after constantly been supported by the group she was a member of. From not able to run even for 300m, she covered 500 kms in 100 days! She stresses that your fight is with yourself and never compete your pace and timing with others. So true!


Centre head of Allen Career Institute, and senior Botany faculty, Dr. Satish Gupta sets example to those who are thinking to incorporate running in their fitness regime and become a regular runner. 100 Days of Running helped him achieve improved fitness levels and since then he has completed 6 half marathons in a span of one year. Starting with just 2 kms first day, his run increased to 5-12 kms daily after a few days. Hats off!


Ever thought of a teenager going for 100 days of running challenge, requiring him to wake up early in the morning that too for continuous 100 days? We would advice teenagers, living a lethargic lifestyle, to look upon Ishan Joshi. This 16- year-old boy managed to complete this challenge along with his studies and camps which helped him to become a consistent runner. He ran with his 9-year-old sister who managed to finish it despite fighting with ear infection, injury in the foot, school, drama classes etc. My accolades for the duo!

Ishan Joshi
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Competition drives people. Consistency helps people in achieving their goals. Discipline makes them focussed. Inspiration amplifies their efforts. 100 DAYS OF RUNNING helps people achieve every single trait mentioned above. It is a platform which will help both beginners and avid runners to reach their desired harbor. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Interested? Join this challenge by registering for it here

If you don’t commit to something, then everything will be a distraction.

PS – The indomitable running feature pic credits – Finn Gross Maurer


  • Tanya Agarwal
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    Welcome to Wellthyfit.com! Wellthyfit is my ‘writing venture’ on health and wellness and a constant reminder that health is our only everlasting wealth! Who am I - you can read here. But at the core of it all, I’m a mom who loves to run!

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