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Home Health Women Runing – A Gynaecologist’s Point of View

Women Runing – A Gynaecologist’s Point of View

by Dr. Rahul Manchanda

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Every day is women’s day and should be if it isn’t! Having said that, especially as a gynecologist, it is good to designate days in order to remind us about that and to actually focus on it.

I come from a Matriarchal single (mother) family and am married to a lovely lady/ girl and have two lovely daughters, if that is added to my profession, I am a Gynaecologist, then you can’t get anymore “matriarchal “ / feminist than me!

Now the question really is that is running/ exercising tied in with women’s health?

The answer  – simple “ Of course it is!”

Benefits of running and exercising are many for anyone let alone the woman.

It keeps all your body systems active and functioning well. Keeps body fat and diseases hence at bay.  Immunity up, bones healthy, mentally fit and active, besides keeping you looking lean and good and that does wonders for your mental make up and morale and hence improves your quality of life (all aspects trust me)!

Women suffer from a host of diseases and a lot of them specific due to the body make up and functions. Whether it is period problems be it  bleeding or pain, cancer (especially cervical), difficulty in conceiving, fibroids, endometriosis etc etc etc. Some of you may be familiar with these terms.

At different ages there are different set of problems due to the body changes and that is normal. But knowing about them helps you to be better prepared. Problems start from birth and go on till the sunset of our lives.

Exercise as a thumb rule is good at all ages, just what to do and how much at what stage is important and that should be in consultation with your trainer / instructor and health care provider (read Gynaecologist for women).

Of course overdoing anything can be harmful, that again is the thumb rule for life. So over exercising can lead to trauma to muscles, bones etc and all period problems due to the stress.

Let me mention just two areas for women that are close to my heart on this day and each one of you must read about them and update your knowledge .

  1. Cancer cervix – still one of the biggest killers of women in our country, every 7 minutes one lady dies of it…. Get a pap smear and the vaccine please after seeing your Gynaecologist
  2. Endometriosis – one of the most debilitating diseases in women that we need to catch early to affect a cure. All women who have pain during their periods must see a Gynaecologist to rule this out as it could mean the difference between a healthy quality of life.

And yes running and exercising does help with the symptoms but needs to go hand in hand with medical treatment. Don’t accept pain during your periods.

This day gift yourself a better quality of life! Because YOUR worth it!


  • Dr. Rahul Manchanda
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    Dr Rahul Manchanda heads the Gynaecological Endoscopic Unit at PSRI Hospital, Saket. His mother Dr Prabha Manchanda & he are credited with establishing one of the first minimally invasive unit of surgery in the country, namely Manchanda's Endoscopic Centre in 1981. It is one of the 11 centres in the country recognised for imparting training to gynaecologists in minimally invasive techniques . Under its aegis, many awareness camps and talks are held for women which focus on prevention rather than cure. His website is www.gynaeendoscopy.com. He recently brought the first ever regional conference of the World Hysteroscopy Congress to India and launched his book Keynotes on Hysteroscopy. He has over 90 publications/research articles in various national and international journals.

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