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Home Fitness A Runner’s Beginners Guide: My first year of Running and its Unforgettable Mistakes

A Runner’s Beginners Guide: My first year of Running and its Unforgettable Mistakes

by Tanya
Tanya Agarwal - wellthyfit

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Kilian Jornet: ‘All the bad things about running are there to reap something good’

If you follow Killain Jornet, you would come across many videos and blogs where in he talks about his running mistakes! His honest confessions, well thought of solutions and incredible knowledge are making me his relentless fan!

And then, I was looking at some 110 articles on my blog! Surprised that I still hadn’t spoken about that one topic every run blogger would have knocked off her list! My very first running mistakes or as the SEO advises (the things google makes us bloggers do for traction…arrghhh!) – 5-10-15 Running mistakes a new runners make! So here it is my version of it! 😊 You can skip the next 3 short paragraphs and get straight to the point!

My first run was a 4k….the first time ever, 6 months post my second pregnancy! I was on my toes looking after my first and second, I had support – won’t lie! No major post natal depression! No nothing like that! I was good. I just wanted to lose weight and the famous Pune based Instructor Zareen Siddique whipped my ass and got me back into shape. She made me do couple of runs. After that I never ran!.

6 months later – I ran my first half marathon! I did two long runs  and went for a half marathon. It was my second half marathon, the prep of which made me realize what it takes to run a good half marathon!

First Love! The early years of running are all about very innocent love! You want to give it all! You go with the Flow…you run a lot; you get obsessed, you start loving the pain! You want to be a run martyr and not really a runner!

Sharing with you how my second marathon (will come to the first in the next blog) taught me valuable lessons:

Running too fast

My biggest running mistake so far and I sometimes do it even now. Especially during recovery runs and long runs. This one – every new runner will make this mistake despite years of running sometimes. Even though we know that best runners in the world spend 80 % of their running training running slow, we are too much in a hurry to run fast. Burnout and injury are too very sad outcomes. Constantly pushing your body to run at a quick pace doesn’t allow for healing and recovery. And without recovery you cannot come back for your next run with a body that is ready to give its best.

Training in the same shoe for all your runs

Speedwork requires very less cushioned shoes, whereas long slow distance runs need a good cushioned shoe. I was very proud of the fact that I did manage the entire year in one shoe – but I did have an injury at the end of it. So please two shoes for training are the basic!

Only Running

We end up running too much which is ok, however ignoring any other form of cross straining on the sides can either lead to injuries or too much fatigue. Yoga, swimming, strength training – they work on your muscles and help you become efficient so you use less energy (yes, build energy off the track to expend less energy on the track) while running. I am now less obsessed with running, more balanced in my fitness regime, staying fit more consistently and working on my weak areas.

New runners should especially take care of this as they start loving running enough to ignore upper body strengthening, poor flexibility, outstretched hamstrings – stuff that could lead to injuries and take you away from running for months.  Also only running can lead to burnout. So mixing and bringing variety is important.

Taking warm up and cool down – for granted and not doing them at all

New runners seriously have this problem. I did and I can see my new runner friends too! Not warming up to the pace and not cooling down effectively – means you are asking for an injury. And you won’t become a better runner. If you are in a rush like I am – I would suggest just do these two post-run poses, at least.

Not taking your hydration seriously

The more I say on this, the lesser it would be! Drink to thirst is the first rule. Don’t dunk down bottles and bottles of water for the sake of hydration and similarly don’t run without drinking water. As a rule even though there are the sugar loaded sports drinks, what could really work for you is something as simple as enerzal, or salt+sugar water. Fast n Up offers tablets that could be dunked in water and can be used while running. there are also post run tablets, and drinks that you could chose from. My favorites in a home made lemon water or a drink of Sattu (a fine powder made from powdered garbanzo), rich in protein and a coolant!

Not eating before a run

So many runners wanting to lose weight end up binging post the run but wont eat anything before! You must chose something high in Carbohydrates – like a banana, almonds, dates, an energy bar (even though I would say avoid that it’s too heavy on white sugar, but eat that if you have nothing).  Even if you are trying to lose weight, you need the good carbohydrates. Read this on why runners need good carbs. Running on an empty stomach can make you feel dizzy very fast.

Comparing yourselves to other runners

Admit it that you do or you did! This is actually one of the worst things a newbie runner ends up pushing himself into. Watching a seasoned runner in his full speed can make the onlooker push his limits too! I wanted to be like so many fast running girls – I would admire them, try to keep pace with them – truly it’s good for motivation but doesn’t make you faster! click here  and read about how your running is all about you!

Google is full of these! And every blogger has her own version of this! But will this help you from not making your own mistakes? 😊 not at all! You will still make yours, you will still get obsessed, you will still end up running too fast and years later you will look back and smile at the most innocent run years of your life! Wishing you an injury-free running life!

You will love the black toes, the blisters, the pain, the chaffing and all, but you will run and go back on the track despite everything – because you really like to run – so go ahead and make your mistakes!

Happy Learning! Happy Running!

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    1 comment

    Kiran September 23, 2019 - 10:40 am

    Hi. But when i run wihou eating in morning i feel very energetic….incresed energy level…shousl i still eat before running


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